I searched google and pinterest, trying to find the best list of what to pack for when I had the baby. I found several good ones and combined them to make the best list for me. So here's what I packed in my bag, baby's bag and a bag for my husband.
My bag:
Comfy clothes - sweatpants, t-shirts, socks, nightgown, underwear, comfortable bra (sports bra)
Toiletries - deodorant, brush, hair ties, make-up, toothbrush, sample bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. (most hospitals will supply the pads you need after birth)
Phone, camera and chargers. (I also brought my tablet so I could read)
Earplugs and ear buds. Hospitals can be noisy!
Snacks and drinks (cafeterias aren't always open)
Change for vending machines
Baby's bag:
Clothes (I brought 3 outfits and 2 nightgowns, plus the special outfit I got for her to come home in)
Hats and scratch mittens
Pacifier (if your using them)
Baby Blanket (hospital does provide this, but I wanted her own)
Also, depending on the time of year - coat, mittens
Hospital will provide : diapers, wipes, formula, bottles. You only need to bring these things if your dead set on using a certain brand. Otherwise use what they offer and just switch to yours when you get home.
Daddy's bag:
Change of clothes
Phone & charger
Deodorant & toothbrush
Book or magazines
I also brought a boppy pillow to make feeding a bit easier. ☺